Download these Free Planning Tools

HomeworkCoach has developed two worksheets to help your child stay on top of schoolwork. Our hope is this may be especially useful during the pandemic when your student has to track multiple online assignments.

Daily Planner

Daily planner

Most useful, perhaps, is the daily planner. Click to download. Make a fresh copy for your student each day and have them (or help) look over all the online assignments for the day and write each one in the assignment slot. When they are all in, help them prioritize (Rank) and check they have what they need to get each assignment done. As an executive function skills building exercise, ask them to estimate how long each assignment will take. Then when they’ve done it, write the actual time taken. If the estimate was way off base, ask them what they’ve learned so they can estimate better next time. Also, most students ADHD need some short term reward so in the last column let them decide when they will take a break or get a snack or something they can look forward to.

Weekly Planner

Weekly Planner
Download here

Our 7-subject Planner is really designed for the student to take to school and fill it in as the school week progresses, so the capture new assignments as they are assigned. Then it’s used to create the Daily Planner each evening as the student sits down to do homework. If all work is online, this may be useful to give you and your student a big picture view of the week.

Let us know your comments about how useful our free planning tools are!

Tutors Who Understand ADHD

HomeworkCoach is a special tutoring agency. We know how to keep students with ADHD on track. Our coach comes to your home and helps your child manage their schoolwork while building their executive function skills. Call us today 877-715-5442 or click Contact Us below.

24 hours ago

We received a nice review from a client in Brooklyn which made our day!: "Matt has been helping my son with his homework assignments. So far it has been a big help for my son. He is able to get his homework done and improve his time management. He is also less stressed and more motivated. I’m very happy with Matt‘s professional skills for helping my son and other students with ADHD improve every aspect of their life." ... See MoreSee Less
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